The semi-dedicated hosting services, proposed by Rai Hosting are a wonderful hosting service. Look at their video presentation.

All of our semi–dedicated servers may be found in Rai Hosting’s amazing US data center. This data center based in the heart of Chicago gives unparalleled power and cooling options. It has additionally set up a big peering network with data centers and network providers, equally locally and around the world. This indicates, that it gives you unrivaled connectivity levels.

All the semi–dedicated servers are constructed atop an SE Linux, a particular security superior form of Linux, which was in addition highly improved by Rai Hosting’s sys admins. Which means you can actually feel safe and sound along with your semi–dedicated server – there are not any viruses and trojans on our machines. And with instruments such as ModSecurity, your websites and additionally web applications are going to be automatically shielded from the most common hacker attacks. Each one server moreover has adequate CPU and MySQL usage quotas, enough to power just about any site or web application.

Each individual semi–dedicated server will come using our specialized Control Panel. It’s full convenient tools and no charge bonuses, which will help you take your web site to another level.