Dot BE Pricing

TLD 1 Year
Sole .BE registration $9.95
.BE with hosting $10.00

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.BE yes yes (EPP) no no 1 Year

Dot BE Domains

If you desire to construct a noticeable domain name for your website, Belgium’s top-level domain name extension – .BE, is an outstanding selection since you can come up with an simple-to-remember expression in English. This will ensure you more visitors since it will be unproblematic for them to go back to your site or to share it with family, friends and work associates. A fashionable case is, which is a tinier URL for the fashionable video sharing portal. You can acquire a .BE domain name through our firm and it will be working in a matter of minutes. You will possess complete control over the domain and will be able to set up DNS entries, to park and forward your domain whenever you want through the Hepsia Control Panel.

The .BE country-code top-level domain extension was brought into existence in 1989 and many dot BE domains have been reserved afterwards by foreign people, not by Belgians, in view of the fact that there does not exist a local presence obligation for booking such a domain name. With the .BE domain names that we offer, you can choose whether you want to target the global Internet society or the local Belgian market, due to the fact that such a domain will help you improve your place in local search engines as well. Belgium is literally in the middle of the European Union, which is the largest free-trade zone in the world, a significant share of which consists of active Internet users. The registrations are valid for a 1-year period, existing domains cannot be transferred between registrar firms and the Registrant contacts cannot be modified once the domain is booked, so double-check that you give exact info throughout the order procedure.

Dot BE Domains with Rai Hosting

Included as standard with each newly-registered domain, Rai Hosting's full-featured, and straightforward Domain Manager is, truthfully, the perfect place where you are able to manage many .BE domain names as well as their DNS and WHOIS adjustments. You can park limitless domains, create URL redirections and much more.

And given that the Domain Manager is part of our Web Hosting Control Panel, you can control your domain names AND your web sites at once, in case you in addition have a hosting account with Rai Hosting.